Living Lightly with the Holidays Meditation Retreat (Dec 7)

from US$20.00

As we enter into the holiday season. Perhaps, we need support to navigate it lightly. Many of our problems during the holidays are about others or feeling our wishes are going unfulfilled. Navigate the holidays with a different approach. Come discover how to gift cherishing love. We know how to love, but we can learn how to love more purely so it’s light and joyful. 

In this retreat, we will explore:

  • Recognizing what obstructs our love

  • How to remove obstructions to our love

  • The actual way to love purely and joyfully thought the holidays and beyond

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As we enter into the holiday season. Perhaps, we need support to navigate it lightly. Many of our problems during the holidays are about others or feeling our wishes are going unfulfilled. Navigate the holidays with a different approach. Come discover how to gift cherishing love. We know how to love, but we can learn how to love more purely so it’s light and joyful. 

In this retreat, we will explore:

  • Recognizing what obstructs our love

  • How to remove obstructions to our love

  • The actual way to love purely and joyfully thought the holidays and beyond

As we enter into the holiday season. Perhaps, we need support to navigate it lightly. Many of our problems during the holidays are about others or feeling our wishes are going unfulfilled. Navigate the holidays with a different approach. Come discover how to gift cherishing love. We know how to love, but we can learn how to love more purely so it’s light and joyful. 

In this retreat, we will explore:

  • Recognizing what obstructs our love

  • How to remove obstructions to our love

  • The actual way to love purely and joyfully thought the holidays and beyond