Taming the Wild Elephant Mind series
Tuesdays | 12:15-12:45 pm with
Shawna Kent at COhatch

We all know the feeling when our mind is driven by fear or uncontrolled desires — we lack control. Is it possible to tame the wild elephant mind? Through understanding how to guard the mind, we can prevent it from wandering to places that disturb us and others. We can subdue our misery through mindfulness and meditation.

In this series, we will explore:

> How to guard our mind from negativity?
> Benefits of taming our wild elephant mind
> Mindfulness and meditation in daily life

Join Shawna Kent for a 30-minute meditation reprieve and return to work with a fresh, inspiring attitude.

Led by Shawna Kent
Kadampa Buddhist Teacher
Long term practioner & meditator

Shadyside Tuesday Lunchtime Meditations
Register Now

COhatch Shadyside
5428 Walnut St
Pittsburgh, PA 15232