Modern Buddhism series

with Gen Kelsang Chokyi | Resident Teacher

FRIDAY | 10:00 - 11:15am | $12 drop-in | Free for members

Gen Chokyi is going through Modern Buddhism on Friday mornings to explore the philosophy of Buddhism, and in particular Lamrim meditations. These precious meditations function to shift our minds from ordinary to extraordinary, weak to strong and negative to positive. We all know that when we are peaceful and happy this impacts everything we think, say and do in a beneficial way. 

You don't need to be Buddhist to benefit from these teachings. Each class includes a relaxing breathing meditation, a teaching, a contemplative meditation, and a closing dedication. Classes can be attended individually or as a series.

The Friday morning meditation class is taught by Gen Kelsang Chokyi with guest Kadampa teachers on occasion.

This class will be using the book Modern Buddhism by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche which is available as a free download or available to purchase at the Center Bookstore.