Free Meditations for Everyone at Hamilton East Library
Held Online

Habits of Happy People

August 26, 7:00 – 8:00pm | Held Online
We all want to be more relaxed and less stressed. Usually, we are thinking about external things to change like a good vacation or changing our job to make us happy.  By using simple yet effective meditation techniques, you don’t have to wait for externals to change. Learn how to create a daily habit of meditation to experience more contentment and peace of mind now.

“Inner peace, or mental peace, is the source of all our happiness. Although all living beings have the same basic wish to be happy all the time, very few people understand the real causes of happiness.” - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

In this meditation class, we will learn 

  1. Habits of happy people, beneficial mindsets to view ourself and others 

  2. Meditations that shift our way thinking to uplift and empower the mind

  3. How by carrying these meditations with mindfulness into our day we can maintain a light, joyful attitude whatever life throws our way

Taming The Wild Elephant Mind

September 30, 7:00 – 8:00pm | Held Online
Do you ever feel like your mind is like a wild elephant? How can you train or tame your mind to pacify the distracting and destructive thoughts that hold you captive? We can improve the quality of our minds through training in mindfulness and alertness with joy. From improving the quality of our mind and clearly understanding how to guard the mind, our happiness will increase and we will experience a deep inner peace and suppleness of mind.

In this meditation class, we will explore:

  • Guarding the mind versus suppression through mindfulness

  • Protecting our mind when it’s upset and feeling uncontrolled

  • Becoming familiar with pacify negativity through a daily practice

From Worrier to Warrior

October 28, 7:00 – 8:00pm | Held Online
It’s easy to get caught in the rocking chair of worry. Expending a lot of energy on something(s) or situation(s) that may or may not happen. It’s not easy to break away from worry, but when you have wisdom tools, you empower yourself to become a warrior who conquers their worry. 

“I will conquer all obstacles, and none shall conquer me.” — Shantideva

In this meditation class, we will explore:

  • What is the nature and function of worry

  • How to release ourself from worry using various meditations 

  • Meditation techniques to focus your mind with strength and joy

About the Teacher

Fred May has been a student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for over 20 years, and has been teaching at KMC Indianapolis for more than a decade. He is also professor emeritus at the University of Indianapolis. Fred brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Buddhism and meditation to his teachings, with a healthy dose of practicality for everyday life.