From Worrier to Warrior Meditation Retreat
with Kadampa Teacher, Fred May
Book: How to Solve Our Human Problems & Meaningful to Behold
It’s easy to get caught in the rocking chair of worry. Expending a lot of energy on something(s) or situation(s) that may or may not happen. It’s not easy to break away from worry, but when you have wisdom tools, you empower yourself to become a warrior who conquers their worry.
“I will conquer all obstacles, and none shall conquer me.” — Shantideva
In this retreat, we will explore:
What is the nature and function of worry
How to release ourself from worry using various meditations
Meditation techniques to focus your mind with strength and joy
Pricing & Registration
Free for members
$30 non-members
$20 non-member students and seniors
Pre-register or pay at the door
Try out our New Member Special
$40 for 30 days
For just $10 more than the cost of the retreat, you can do a one month trial membership that includes all drop in classes and retreats.
This is a non-renewable 30 day trial membership with no further financial obligations.
About the Teacher
Fred May has been a student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso for over 20 years, and has been teaching at KMC Indianapolis for more than a decade. He is also professor emeritus at the University of Indianapolis. Fred brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in Buddhism and meditation to his teachings, with a healthy dose of practicality for everyday life.