Peace is Closer than You Think
Fridays 10:00 - 11:15am | $12 drop-in | Free for members
How can we harness the peace that’s already abiding in our own minds? First, we need to become aware of what’s happening in our mind; for example is it scattered, relaxed or anxious?. Then, we need to pacify our distracting thoughts, settle our mind. Finally, we can contemplate with wisdom and recognize disturbing, unpeaceful minds and replace them with virtuous, peaceful minds. Our minds change, they settle and we discover a peace that has abiding within us like a vast, blue sky.
July 5 — Becoming the Observer
July 12 — Peace is the Real Nature of our Mind
July 19 — Techniques to Settle the Mind
July 26 — Integrating Meditation into Daily Life
You don't need to be Buddhist to benefit from these teachings. Each class includes a relaxing breathing meditation, a teaching, a contemplative meditation, and a closing dedication. Classes can be attended individually or as a series.
The Sunday morning meditation class is taught by Gen Kelsang Chokyi with guest Kadampa teachers on occasion.
This class will be using the book Transform Your Life and Clarity of Mind booklet by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche which is available to purchase in the bookstore.