Founder & Spiritual Guide of the New Kadampa Tradition
The Founder and Spiritual Guide of KMC Indianapolis is Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, a contemporary Buddhist meditation master and world-renowned teacher and author.
Venerable Geshe-la’s entire life was dedicated to the development of world peace. His heart teaching was that peace in the world comes from peace in the heart, and that modern people can find this inner peace through the teachings of Buddha.
After spending his early years studying Buddha’s teachings in depth in the monasteries of Tibet, he spent the next twenty years or so in meditation retreat in the Himalayas before being invited to the West in 1977 to become the Resident Teacher at Manjushri Center in the English Lake District. Since that time he devoted himself tirelessly to giving teachings, composing books and establishing a global infrastructure of modern Buddhist Temples and meditation centers to make the teachings of Buddha available in a modern form to all people, regardless of nationality, age, gender or faith.
Scientific methods to accomplish inner peace
Venerable Geshe-la’s message is as simple as it is profound – all the problems in this world originate in the mind, and the solutions to these problems and the causes of lasting peace and happiness are also to be found in the mind.
Only by developing inner peace in our minds through meditation can we solve our own problems and help others to do the same, and in this way create world peace.
Thanks to the extraordinary kindness of Venerable Geshe-la, the internal scientific methods to accomplish this inner peace are now available to everyone in the modern world.
This humble monk has touched the hearts of countless people around the world and inspired them to set out on a blissful journey to lasting happiness and inner peace.
Everything you see on this website – the World Peace Temple, the vibrant study and meditation programs, the international publishing company, and the community of sincere lay and ordained practitioners of Modern Kadampa Buddhism – is a manifestation of the compassionate heart of this remarkable holy being.