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Inner Strength Training

  • Kadampa Meditation Center Indianapolis 4010 West 86th Street, Suite C Indianapolis, IN, 46268 United States (map)

Building Inner Strength to Face Life’s Adversities


Thursdays 6:00 - 7:15pm | $12 drop-in | Free for members

Our mind has great potential if we harness it with wisdom methods. In this series, Gen Chokyi will explore the four noble truths in a practical way to learn how to skillfully and systematically build inner strength to face and transform life’s adversities and challenges.

“Normally we say, “I created such and such,” or “He or she created such and such,” but the actual creator of everything is the mind. We are like servants of our mind; whenever it wants to do something we have to do it without any choice. Since beginningless time until now, we have been under the control of our mind, without any freedom; but if we sincerely practice the instructions given in this book, we can reverse this situation and gain control over our mind. Only then will we have real freedom.” - Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

Mar 6 — Understanding How Attachment & Suffering Function

Mar 13 — What Poisons Our Mind? 

Mar 20 — Building Inner Strength to Face Life’s Adversities

Mar 27 — Reliable & Reproducible: The 3 Higher Trainings

This class will be using the book How to Solve Our Human Problems by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

March 20

Heart Jewel Puja

March 21

Training in Awakening Limitless Potential - Bodhichitta