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Food for Thought: Meditation & Dinner

  • Kadampa Meditation Center Indianapolis 4010 West 86th Street Indianapolis, IN, 46268 United States (map)

with Gen Kelsang Chokyi, Resident Teacher

This special evening is time to relax and recharge. A short guided meditation along with a delicious Mediterranean vegetarian meal (vegan and gluten free friendly) with dessert to follow.

Pricing & Registration

$15 for Members
$25 non-members
Pre-register or pay at the door

Try out our New Member Special
$40 for 30 days

For just $15 more than the cost of the event, you can do a one month trial membership that includes all drop in classes and retreats.

This is a non-renewable 30 day trial membership with no further financial obligations.

About the Teacher

Gen Kelsang Chokyi is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centers Indianapolis and Bloomington.

As a student of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Gen Kelsang Chokyi is a modern-day Kadampa nun. With joy, wisdom, and experience, she shows how everyone can easily integrate Buddha’s teachings into daily life. She has been a student of Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for 20 years.

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