Amitayus Retreat
A Special Method for Increasing Life Span, Wisdom, and Merit
Cost: $5 per session. Pay at the door.
The greatest obstacles to the fulfillment of our wish to experience pure happiness are death and ignorance. Death destroys our opportunity to take the essence of our precious human life, and ignorance destroys our opportunity to develop a pure experience of Dharma. To overcome these obstacles, we need to increase our lifespan and our wisdom, and the principal method for doing this is the yoga of Buddha Amitayus, which is also a special method for increasing the positive power of our mind, or merit.
It is traditional to do an Amitayus retreat near the beginning of the year. In this retreat we will engage in the practice The Yoga of Buddha Amitayus, with introductory teachings, guidance, and time for visualization and mantra recitation.
Everyone is welcome to attend any or all of the sessions.
Retreat Schedule
9:00 – 9:45 am Introductory talk
10:00 – 11:15 am Amitayus practice with guided meditation
11:30 am – 12:45 pm Amitayus practice with guided meditation